Thursday, June 26, 2008

Come Close To A Conclusion

I'm already sitting here, feeling re-adapted to my busy life. (Not a good feeling) The only things that hold me close are pictures and videos. I do not want to become a lost cause - to them, to myself. I took a small step into a new direction in my life but with this small step comes a new beginning. It has changed my life. I didn't understand the meaning before. It takes awhile to realize, I will never be the same. If words sound so harsh from a distanced point of view, you can only listen. You may truly hear me if you were to endeavour yourself into such a journey. Not for just people- but for yourself. You can start by asking yourself, "What can make tears come to my eyes when in deep thought? What can hold time still when you reflect, and put you into a limitless daze? When you figure out what actually means something to you, you have to question and examine it. (My Process) You cant just say you love God because that's how you were raised to think. Socialization. If you really believe in something you have to fight to figure it out. Faith is not faith until faith is questioned. Otherwise you are lost. "We're not alone, but we're not sheep." (And this isn't blasphemy, I believe in truth) Another thing, for those so religious based - What are you doing to be more like Jesus? Apparently he wasn't sitting around living out his own life in favor of himself. I believe we need to re-establish why we are here. We need to live for something bigger than ourselves.
I thought taking a week to collect myself would help me explain what I am going through - it didn't. All I know now is that there is more work to be done to help these people that are living with diseases and poverty. Please go to these people. Where ever they are. They need YOU. And the ironic thing is you need them.
All the stereotypes that go along with Africa- mostly untrue.
1.) The people there are beautiful, peaceful, and kind.
2.) It is safe to travel there with appropriate precautions.
3.) African-Americans and Africans are not one in the same.
4.) It is not some distant planet, it's right there, only measurable by human intentions.
5.) You have to experience it first hand to take it all in.

I will never forget them. I will never forget that place.

I wish you all could really understand. Words do no justice.

"My heart stayed in Africa."

Harrison O'dean Wenger-Anderson

P.S. I am working on a video that will be completed around the end of July. Also, I am still short $1,000 on my donations. If you are able to help at all , please..please let me know.

1 comment:

Jackie Pociask said...

i hate that sometimes I have to remember it like it isnt always with me. I am so proud of you and am so happy that you went to Uganda.