Friday, May 30, 2008

The Night Before I Leave...

Sad to say, as excited as I am, I'm coming down with a cold. My neck and back hurt and I have a sore throat. Maybe not the best start, I need to be strong, I have an intense journey headed my way. I feel like I have all the snacks I would need for a month. (I'll only be gone for two weeks) Some of the clothes I have packed I am leaving in Uganda. I have a really nice first aid kit and some new shoes!

As of right now this feels really surreal to me. Tomorrow morning we fly to New York and then to London. My group shouldn't even arrive in Uganda until Sunday evening, also take into consideration the 8 hour time difference. I've got my passport and my yellow fever vaccination handy, I think I'm good to go. I'll try and update this blog every day. I can only hope my reflections can be made poetic, my mind become a melting pot for new ideas and cultures, and my heart be open to any human being that needs to feel comfort and love.

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